Why Are Women Chopping Off Their Hair? Would YOU? - The Fashion Tag Blog


That’s the thing about trends, once it sticks, it gets all over the place to the point of redundancy even. Is this the case of SHORT HAIRSTYLES? Do all women chop off their mermaid tresses like demented fashion victims, cause that JLaw woman did, and then Hailee Steinfeld, and then God knows who, and before them it was Rihanna, then Miley and so on? And now we have a world of cute little pixies? Does the chopping off of our locks have more to do with being fashionably cool, or does it have a hidden subliminal meaning & message behind. Aka: us girls feeling more empowered, // READ MORE

Why Are Women Chopping Off Their Hair? Would YOU?

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Why Are Women Chopping Off Their Hair? Would YOU?

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